
Fee: Private lesson from $50

Yoga/mind/meditation space Wa Wa Wa

monthly classes

Hi, My name is Yuhka.I’m usually a teacher and a musician.Now in the beautiful space in Milford, Auckland, NZ I would like to share my yoga/mind/meditation experiences. My classes include Contemporary yoga, mindful movement practice and sound healing.Exploring body is very fascinating because we’re always with it.

My concept of these classes are Wa(輪,Circle),Wa(和,Calmness),Wa(笑,Smile).Please feel free to contact me if you have a question.


 Price: $20 by booking in advance(Bank transfer or cash on the day)

*Drop in welcome(Cash only on the day please)

*Cancellation policy: Anytime,If you can notify by a day before it’d be helpful.Payment can be used within 6 months as credits.


For booking or enquiries from contact page on my website(

or email(



Please bring your own mat or gear if you need extra blankets.I will provide a number of mats and necessary gears in each class 


Any comfortable clothing.It does’t need to be yoga clothing.

*Private class can be arranged.

ヨガ/精神/瞑想 スペース 輪・和・笑






1st class in 2023



@Milford Community center(Back of New World)




Price: $20 予約はメールかWebサイトからお願いします。(銀行振込か当日の場合は現金のみ)


*キャンセルいつでも出来ますが、できれば24時間前までにご連絡頂けると有り難いです。もし支払い済みで来れない場合は6ヶ月間は次のクラスに繰越できます。 予約・質問 or email(






Yuhka graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in violin performance. She holds Diploma, MA in Performance degrees and teaching qualifications at both universities above, and Bachelor of Arts and Masters degrees from the Musashino Academia Musicae in Tokyo, Japan. In addition, she has also obtained music teaching qualifications in Japan, which allowed her to teach at selected local high schools as a music teacher. An active freelance musician, she has been a member of a variety of chamber music ensembles and has performed in Japan, London and New Zealand. She has been interested in the relationship between mental and physical aspects of body performances since she was in Japan where she was a master student and chose a topic from a book called Le violin interieur by Dominique Hoppenot which was suggested by her very 1st violin teacher, Aoki Atsuko who was a student of Dominique.Yuhka has studied different approaches to improving musical performance through mental training with Dr. Shuichi Tsuji and Alexander Technique with John Crawford. Her yoga practice started in Japan and travelled together with her to New Zealand where she lives in the last 5 years. The encounter to her yoga teacher, Karla Broodie changed her definition of yoga and led her to complete Contemporary yoga teacher training in 2023. Her passion of teaching in music and body movements enables musical students accessible to learning music as free body expressions and also yoga students to experience her creative way of class in mutual communication relationships between teacher and student.

ヴァイオリニスト、ヨガ講師でもある永井木綿花は武蔵野音楽大学、器楽学科、同大学院を卒業後、ロンドンに留学。ロイヤルアカデミーの大学院、トリニティコンサバトア ミュージック&ダンスをディプロマで卒業。また、音楽教師免許を日本で取得、大学院在学中に音楽高校講師も経験あり。様々な室内楽のメンバーとして日本、ロンドン、ニュージーランドで活躍。日本にいる際から身体と精神の関係に興味があり、大学院では自身の初めてのバイオリン講師の恩師であるオプノ氏の本を論文として扱う。メンタルドクター辻秀一のレッスンやアレキサンダーテクニックをジョン クラウフォードにも学ぶ。さらにニュージーランドでのヨガ講師カーラ ブローディとの出会いが彼女のヨガの定義を打ち壊し、2023年にコンテンポラリーヨガ講師トレーニングを修了。ヨガを通して音楽生徒とヨガ生徒に心地よい空間とクリエイティブなレッスンを届ける。